About the project

  • Date: Marsh 27, 2024
  • Client: Universal
  • Category:
A 35-minute film, directed by Revocatus Namegabe,Embarrassments of women, between arts and society, produced by 3TAMIS, brings together more than 100 people in the performance hall of the French Institute of Bukavu. This Thursday, March 28, 2024 at 10 a.m., the young people of the synergy of filmmakers, CINEBUK, welcome the guests who come to see the premiere of this film long announced in the media. These curious guests warmly approach the Institute where everyone rushes to have a place of choice, given that the rule of the house is to close the door once the available chairs are occupied. Under the moderation of slammer Achille Argus, technique is on the lookout and responds to the motto of the artist who directs the event. He gives the floor to the authorities present so that they can speak to the artists about the rules governing their profession.

In This Documentiry

There is silence for a few seconds when all the lights are turned off before the film appears on the screen.

The spectators are attentive. Some enjoy watching and listening, others follow and note questions and comments relating to the film.

It’s as if time seems so short! suddenly the end credits roll and the lights are turned on to the cheers of the spectators. Thus the moderation invites the director and his team to clarify the concerns of the audience: a debate between the public and the team who worked on the film. The numerous questions and assessments stretch the time to 12 hours; This is a good time for the media to get in touch with their sources for topics relating to crafts.

A film that interests several people and organizations campaigning for the cause of women. It is a tool to spark debate around the conditions of women artists: social consideration and the income of the woman artist for her autonomy. A wide distribution plan must be put in place to allow the general public to come into contact with the film to benefit from it.

The expected results :

–          Let the community understand that women are free to pursue the career of their choice. The stereotypes stuck to artists constitute a blockage in the normal evolution of these actors.

–          May art make women autonomous through the income from their works. Support of all kinds is useful to encourage the artist so that he can lead a decent life thanks to his work.