About the project

  • Date: on programe
  • Client: Public
  • Category:
  • Address: 3TAMIS
A team deploys in public places to bring cinema to those who do not have regular access to it. Outdoor screenings are an opportunity to watch a film in a group, given that cinemas no longer exist in the region. What motivates someone to come and see a film being screened, at a time when almost all films are easily available on the internet, including on the platforms of certain media libraries? On the one hand the desire for an encounter, for embodied sharing, for an event that has meaning beyond the film, debates before or after, connection to themes worked within the framework of cultural proposals. And on the other hand the technical quality of the projection.

Benefits of Project

We do traveling screenings, of excellent technical quality, with portable video projectors, giant screens, good sound systems, entertainment in the streets of cities!

An open-air cinema consists of organizing a free, open-air film screening. Beyond the festive aspect, it is also an action of development and access to culture. This event can also be an opportunity to invest in an unusual space to make it a place of cultural dissemination, as close as possible to the inhabitants.

To organize an event of this type, you will need to proceed in four steps:

Choose a location, which must be, depending on the characteristics of the area and the objective set, either emblematic or accessible and passable.

Choose a film, which will depend on the target audience and the cultural objectives set: family, unifying, comic, fantastic, author’s film in resonance with a specificity of the municipality or its current events…

Organize the event: choice of service provider, coordination with services, authorizations, communicate about the event.

And of course, conduct the event in situ.