Films – 3tamis Centre de production video production participative Mon, 17 Jun 2024 13:00:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Films – 3tamis 32 32 Embarrassment of women Sat, 01 Dec 2018 08:18:04 +0000

In This Documentiry

There is silence for a few seconds when all the lights are turned off before the film appears on the screen.

The spectators are attentive. Some enjoy watching and listening, others follow and note questions and comments relating to the film.

It’s as if time seems so short! suddenly the end credits roll and the lights are turned on to the cheers of the spectators. Thus the moderation invites the director and his team to clarify the concerns of the audience: a debate between the public and the team who worked on the film. The numerous questions and assessments stretch the time to 12 hours; This is a good time for the media to get in touch with their sources for topics relating to crafts.

A film that interests several people and organizations campaigning for the cause of women. It is a tool to spark debate around the conditions of women artists: social consideration and the income of the woman artist for her autonomy. A wide distribution plan must be put in place to allow the general public to come into contact with the film to benefit from it.

The expected results :

–          Let the community understand that women are free to pursue the career of their choice. The stereotypes stuck to artists constitute a blockage in the normal evolution of these actors.

–          May art make women autonomous through the income from their works. Support of all kinds is useful to encourage the artist so that he can lead a decent life thanks to his work.

Traveling digital cinema Sat, 01 Dec 2018 08:16:32 +0000

Benefits of Project

We do traveling screenings, of excellent technical quality, with portable video projectors, giant screens, good sound systems, entertainment in the streets of cities!

An open-air cinema consists of organizing a free, open-air film screening. Beyond the festive aspect, it is also an action of development and access to culture. This event can also be an opportunity to invest in an unusual space to make it a place of cultural dissemination, as close as possible to the inhabitants.

To organize an event of this type, you will need to proceed in four steps:

Choose a location, which must be, depending on the characteristics of the area and the objective set, either emblematic or accessible and passable.

Choose a film, which will depend on the target audience and the cultural objectives set: family, unifying, comic, fantastic, author’s film in resonance with a specificity of the municipality or its current events…

Organize the event: choice of service provider, coordination with services, authorizations, communicate about the event.

And of course, conduct the event in situ.
