Le conte
On the usefulness of speech
L’histoire des trois tamis rappelle l’importance de la parole juste, utile et respectueuse des personnes, lorsqu’il s’agit de décrire leur comportement.
At every moment, the team asks itself the question: Is it 3TAMIS? The myth of Socrates' 3 sieves is an invitation to be consistent with the humanist idea that every person is to be respected. Socrates was a wise man who lived in Greece a very long time ago. One day someone came to him and said:
Listen Socrates, I have to tell you how your friend behaved…
Stop, interrupted the wise man. Have you passed what you have to tell me through the three sieves?
The three sieves? said the other, full of astonishment.
Yes, my friend, the three sieves. The first is that of truth. Have you checked if everything you want to tell me is true?
No, I heard him tell it and…
Well, well: but no doubt you made it pass through the second sieve which is that of goodness. Is what you want to tell me, if not entirely true, at least something good?
Hesitating, the other replied: No, it’s not something good, on the contrary…
Hum, said the wise man. Let’s try to use the third sieve and see if it’s useful to tell me what you want to tell me…
Useful, not precisely…
Well, said Socrates, if what you have to tell me is neither true, nor good, nor useful, I prefer not to know it and advise you to forget it!